Terms of Use
Company Information
Cloudhaz, here in after referred to as Company, is an Internet Service Provider, based in 2 Nap. Zerva street, Ioannina, Greece, with Tax Number EL8001211988, Tax Office Ioannina and telephones (+30) 2118004922 / (+30) 6977 488210
Acceptance of Terms
The Company operates at https://www.cloudhaz.com under the terms and conditions listed below. By using the web site or services provided by the Company, users indicate full acceptance of the following terms and conditions. Therefore, if a user does not agree with these terms and conditions, he/she must not make use of the web site or services of the Company. The Company aims the best possible service and satisfaction of the clients. This can be achieved only by developing confidence between the clients and the Company. Clients of the Company or visitors of the web site will be referred to as Clients, whether they make orders or utilize services of the Company.
Intellectual Property
Web site content, such as images, designs, graphics etc. is intellectual property of the Company and is protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions. Any copying, distribution, sale, derivative creation or misleading the public about the actual provider of the web site content is against the law. Any reproduction, republication, loading, communication, distribution or transmission or any other use of the content, in any manner, for commercial purposes is allowed only after prior written authorization of the Company or any other copyright holder. The images, logos and distinctive features representing the Company or third parties and their products or services are trademarks of the Company or third parties and are protected by the relevant Greek and European trademark laws. Their appearance on the web site does not imply license on the assignment or use of any third party.
Liability of the Company
The Company reserves the right to amend or update the terms and conditions and undertakes the obligation to inform Clients of any substantial change. The Company does not exercise control over the content of its servers and does not guarantee the credibility of any Internet information regarding its services. Moreover, it does not guarantee any specific offers from third parties and is not responsible for any damage that may occur to the Client or those who deal with him/her, including loss of data, by any cause, mistake or omission. The Company has no responsibility for the accuracy or quality of any information transferred via the Internet or its servers. The Company has no responsibility for any damage caused in case of non-availability of the network or the systems and does not guarantee that the hosting service will be uninterrupted or an error will not be occurred. The Company, under any conditions and circumstances and by any cause, has no liability for any damage resulting from the use, availability or non-availability of services offered.
Liability of the Client
The Company has the right to reject or delete material that is flowing through its network, granted that this material infringes any copyright laws, is pornographic, racist, in respect of drug trafficking or contrary to any law and leads to illegal actions. In such cases, the Company has the right to disable the account immediately, without any prior notice or liability for any damage caused to the Client. Then, the Client is informed to remove the material. If the Client does not comply immediately, the Company has the right to delete the account and terminate their cooperation.
The use of services and equipment of the Company must always be in a manner that is consistent with this Agreement and in no case should affect the operation of equipment or network of the Company or third parties. The client may in no case upload, transmit or distribute files or messages that are not directly related to the services offered by this web site. It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure that the username, password, applications and installed files on the account are safe and correct, regardless of how they were installed. The Client is responsible for all the actions that take place on his/her account and for any loss or damage caused by the loss of his/her personal settings .The Client shall use a secure password, which must not be revealed to anyone. The Clients should pay off the cost of their services on time and under the terms of their agreement. Otherwise, the Company has the right to interrupt the given services, without any warning.
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